January 22nd: Inappropriate Behavior


Sometimes I slip back into old and familiar patterns and catch myself acting out and behaving inappropriately with others.

It may be that I have allowed myself to become overwhelmed by my day-to-day activities, worn and tired, I stray away from my spiritual path and forget to take a fearless moral inventory of my direction.

Suddenly, my actions are not matching my moral compass… my true beliefs.

Maybe I am gossiping to feel better about myself?

Maybe I am being cruel to someone to feel in control when I am fearful?

Maybe I am flirting in need of attention, hoping to show that I am still desirable to others?

But this is my shadow self and it is a role that no longer suits me.

When I falter in my behavior, I can choose to change my inappropriate words or actions at any time.

I can choose to change them during any moment of the day.

I don’t have to wait for tomorrow.

I can stop myself now, apologize for my behavior, and then choose to begin to make a living amends to all those affected by my inappropriate words or actions.

“Dear God, help me to be true in all of my relationships. Help me to forgive myself when I falter and others to forgive me for my slips.”

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