December 10th: Stress

December 10th-Stress

Often when I am walking through difficult times, the stress begins to take a toll on my mind and body.

During a crisis, it is easy for me to begin sleeping poorly, eating poorly, skipping physical activities, and suddenly, the situation that was already difficult to handle is now overwhelming.

I must remember that when I am in pain, suffering, struggling to get through, I must use this time in particular to make sure that I am doing all I can to relieve the stress of the moment by working my hardest to take care of my basic needs in a way that will contribute to my overall health.

If I am able to keep stress from ruling my life, I will be able to be at my “best” self while working through a crisis.

“Dear God, help me to maintain a steady routine of good health during critical times. I must be able to take care of myself, so I will be able to make the best choices to move forward on my spiritual path.”

6 thoughts on “December 10th: Stress

  1. Love the strength you are showing in not only opening up to the pain but also to the movement forwards you have in your life.
    Think about turning you affirmation into more positive words. Turn the unable into
    I am able to take care of myself, I do make the best choices………
    You are already doing this so back it up more positively and you will benefit.

  2. This was the hardest thing for me to do for myself–take care of me and to stay physically active. It was so easy to just sit and ruminate which was the exact opposite of what my body needed. It was amazing how much better I felt getting up and doing something…even if it was just going outside and feeling the sun on my face. A friend of mine, when I was going through a particularly dark period, used to come over and MAKE me get up and go out with her. Or she would call and ask if I had gone outside today and then fuss at me until I did. I felt better for it and it helped me deal better as well. oxox

    • Melinda there is this really great scene in the movie, Men Don’t Leave, where a friend comes over and cleans Jessica Lange’s house and then makes her get out of bed, shower and go on a hot air balloon ride. The movie is only “so so” but that scene… I absolutely LOVE.

  3. I agree — activity, physically activity, does a lot to alleviate the stress, and move thoughts away from that chatter that can get dialed up in one’s head so quickly. I remember people telling me — take care of “you” …. I didn’t get that for awhile. I had been so busy taking care of everything else around me…

  4. I remember having some pretty crazy anxiety/panic attacks during my divorce. I was taught, when I had one, to fold clothes, scrub the bathtub, sweep the floor. That a physical act could keep me preoccupied and the sense of control from completing a task could ease the panic… and it worked! 🙂

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